Department of General Surgery

Our Vision

Our vision is to Integrate recent updates into medical curriculum teaching, while developing laboratories for student teaching, patient care, and research facilities.

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Our Mission

Our mission in General Surgery is to deliver exceptional healthcare, nurture skilled and empathetic young surgeons, and adeptly handle surgical emergencies while performing elective operations to serve our society with utmost competence and care.

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Department Information

Sr. No. Heading Details
1 Name of the Department General Surgery
2 Department Email
3 Date of Establishment
4 Name of Head of Department Dr Satendra Kumar
5 Skill Lab
  • Located at 4th Floor with central Skill lab
  • Abscess drainage
  • Debridement
  • Suturing
  • Endotrainer

  • To provide best healthcare to the society in General surgery
  • To give competent young surgeons with knowledge, skill & empathy to the society.
  • To deal all kind of surgical emergencies & perform elective operations

  • All type of General & Laparoscopic surgery
  • Paediatric Surgery
  • Urology- General & Endourology
  • Trauma Surgery

  • Letter of permission from Medical Council of India vide letter No. MCI-34(41) (E-60)/2019 .Med/ 115574 dated 20th May 2019 for starting MBBS course for 100 students. First batch of 100 students have been admitted and classes has been commenced since 01 Aug 2019.

  • LCD Projector
  • PC available

  • IPD- 120 beds
  • Teaching beds 120
  • Male-70
  • Female-50

  • General surgery OPD- 100 patients/day
  • Urology Clinic (Tuesday 2.30-3.30)
  • Peadiatric Surgery Clinic (Wednesday 2.30-3.30)
  • Breast Clinic (Friday 2.30-3.30)

  • OPD- 100 patients/day
  • IPD – 82 % Occupancy

  • Comparision of Limberg flap and De-epithelialisation technique for the treatment of patients with Pilonidal sinus disease- A pilot study
  • Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on surgical patients- A cross sectional study
  • Pattern of use of home remedies &post covid-19 perception changes among covid-19 patients presenting to a tertiary care hospital in Delhi NCR: A preliminary exploratory study


Present Status Next 1 Year Next 5 Years Next 10 Years
Patient Care
  1. Start Therapeutic Upper GI endoscopy
  2. Start LASER Proctology
  3. Start advance MIS
  4. To establish Sub specialty Clinics-
    1. Pediatric Surgery
    2. Urology
    3. Plastic surgery
    4. Neuro Surgery
    5. Oncology
    6. Oncosurgery
  1. Develop Upper GI endoscopic therapeutic and advanced procedures
  2. Start ERCP procedure at our center
  3. Start Lower GI endoscopic services
  4. Develop LASER Proctology services.
  5. Center of excellence in Advanced MIS (Bariatric & Advanced hernia)
  6. Start center for Pediatric MIS
  7. Develop a Laparoscopic skill center at our institute.
  1. Develop Oncosurgery center
  2. Start Robotic surgeries at GIMS
  3. Develop Super specialty departments services
U.G teaching
  1. Implement CBME
  2. Electives
  3. ECE
  4. Research orientation
  1. Implement CBME
  2. Electives
  3. ECE
  4. ⁠Research orientation
  1. Implement CBME
  2. Electives
  3. ECE
  4. ⁠Research orientation
P.G Teaching Start MS General Surgery course Develop PG Skill center at GIMS as a center of excellence Develop PG Skill center at GIMS as a center of excellence
Research Promote research & innovation in Surgey department
  1. Promote research & innovation in Surgey department
  2. Start Multicentric studies
  1. Promote research & innovation in Surgey department
  2. Start Multicentric studies
Faculty Development Conduct CME programmes
  1. Conduct CME programmes
  2. Organise state level conference
  1. Conduct CME programmes
  2. Organise state level conference
  3. Organize national level conference
Department of General Surgery

Department Gallery

Weekly MBBS Phase 1 Teaching Schedule

The Department of General Surgery at GIMS organizes teaching sessions for MBBS Phase 1 students, covering essential topics in General Surgery to support their foundational medical education.

OPD OT and Unit wise bed Distribution

Our facility efficiently allocates beds across OPD, OT, and unit-wise distribution, ensuring seamless patient flow and optimal utilization of resources for effective surgical care and treatment management. We prioritize patient needs and surgical requirements through strategic bed allocation strategies.