Department of Anatomy

Our Vision

Our vision is to establish the Anatomy department of Government Institute of Medical Sciences as a leading center for anatomy education at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. We will deliver integrated teaching, incorporating the latest updates in the medical curriculum for enhanced student learning.

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Our Mission

Providing a strong foundation for new MBBS entrants through basic sciences education. Inculcating a research attitude in undergraduate students. Developing awareness of body donation in society. Conducting CMEs, guest lectures, and workshops. Starting PG & MSc courses in the department. Establishing an Anthropometric lab.

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Department Information

Sr. No. Heading Details
1 Name of the Department Anatomy
2 Department Email
3 Date of Establishment 2017
4 Name of the First and Present Head of Department Dr. Ranjana Verma
5 Total Books in Department Library 133
6 Journals Journal of the Anatomical Society of India

  • To enrich undergraduate teaching, we aim to establish a center dedicated to body and organ donation. This initiative aims to deepen students' anatomical understanding while promoting ethical considerations and societal awareness regarding donation practices. Through education and advocacy, we strive to foster a culture of donation, enhancing both academic learning and societal impact.
  • For our research endeavors, we endeavor to create a fetal repository dedicated to studies in developmental anatomy. This repository will serve as a valuable resource for advancing our understanding of human development, enriching our research activities and contributing to scientific knowledge in this field.
  • For faculty development, we aim to initiate the establishment of a bone bank through bone retrieval efforts, alongside the creation of a Virtual and Clinical Anatomy Museum. These initiatives are pivotal in laying the groundwork for the development of a postgraduate course, enhancing our faculty's expertise and enriching educational resources.

  • For undergraduate teaching, our goal is to elevate the department into a Center of Excellence for anatomy education, catering to both undergraduate and postgraduate training needs.
  • In our research activities, we prioritize faculty training in Genetics and the establishment of a Molecular Genetics Laboratory. These initiatives aim to enhance our research capabilities, fostering advancements in genetic studies and contributing to scientific knowledge in the field.
  • In faculty development, our focus is on initiating Immunohistochemistry and Electron Microscopy for research purposes. Additionally, we aim to organize State-level and All India conferences of anatomy, fostering academic exchange and professional growth among faculty members.

  • Embalming
  • Cadaver Storage
  • Anatomy Museum
  • Histology slide preparation facility
  • Advanced microscope with projection feature
  • Paid Embalming
  • Plastination

  • Undergraduate Training – MBBS Teaching & Research
  • Postgraduate Training – DNB teaching & Research
  • Nursing & paramedical Training
  • Letter of permission from Medical Council of India vide letter No. MCI-34(41) (E-60)/2019 Med/ 115574 dated 20th May 2019 for starting MBBS course for 100 students. Five batches of 100 students have been admitted till date.
  • Academic activities include 650 hours of teaching in the form of Didactic lectures, tutorials, small group discussions, self-directed learning, Early clinical exposure, AETCOM sessions, seminars and practical demonstration sessions, Elective training, STS projects.

  • LCD Projector
  • Multimedia with TV monitor
  • Projection microscope
  • White & Green Board
  • 2D and 3D Charts
  • Embryology and Gross Anatomy Models

Sr. No. Topic Principal Investigator
1 Effect of centrality of umbilical cord and vascular pattern of Chorionic Blood Vessels on foetal outcome. Dr. Ranjana Verma
2 To study the association between cervical lordotic angle and early cervical spine degeneration in young adult computer professionals. Dr PS Mittal
3 Estimation of gender and body height of an individual by using spatial gait parameters “length swept in one stride and step-width. Dr Ranjana Verma
4 Introduction of Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) technique for embryology teaching in Phase I MBBS students. Dr Ranjana Verma
5 A morphometric and volumetric evaluation of maxillary sinus using CT as a tool for gender determination. Dr Pulimi Vineel
6 Indtroduction of project based learning for understanding of Neuroanatomy in first year MBBS Students Dr. Ranjana Verma
7 Microscopic Structure of placents in females with iron deficiency anaemia - A case control study. Dr Sonu

Department of Anatomy

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