Department of Community Medicine
Our Vision
The department envisions to become a centre of excellence in community oriented medical education and population based medical research and envisages to establish model health centres for providing comprehensive health services to the community
Learn MoreOur Mission
We foster student growth through innovative teaching and equip them for the field of Community Medicine. Meanwhile, we provide essential diagnostic tests to aid patient treatment, maintaining academic excellence, patient care, and ethical standards in both education and healthcare.
Learn MoreDepartment Information
Sr. No. | Heading | Details |
1 | Name of the Department | Community Medicine |
2 | Department Email | |
3 | Date of Establishment | 2017 |
4 | Name of the Head of Department | Dr. Rambha Pathak, Professor & Dean (Academics)MBBS, MD (Community Medicine) |
5 | Health Centres | Rural health training centre- Dadha, Population covered: 3,50,000Urban health training centre- KasnaPopulation covered: 82,337Primary health centre: PHC JewarPrimary health centre: PHC Bisarakh |
- Galhotra A, Goel NK, Pathak R, Swami HM, Kumar R. Surveillance of cold chain system during IPPI 2006 in Chandigarh. Ind J Paediatrics 2007;74:8:751-53.
- Goel NK, Pathak R, Galhotra A, Dankal C, Swami Hm. Status of Cold-chain Maintenance in Chandigarh. Ind J Pub Health. 2008:52(1):37-39.
- N. K. Goel, Rambha Pathak, Abhiruchi Galhotra, Chanderika Dankal, H. M. Swami Pulse polio immunization in district Panipat: A process evaluation, Indian Journal of Pediatrics. 2008 ;76(1): 29-32.
- N. K. Goel, D. Walia, R. Pathak, M. K. Sharma, M. Kalia & H. M. Swami : Opinion Of Health Care Providers Regarding Spiritual Dimension Of Health In India . The Internet Journal of Health. 2008 ;7: 1
- N K Goel, Rambha Pathak, M K Sharma, Kaur Gurpreet, Dinesh Kumar .A study of HIV/AIDS: knowledge and awareness among mothers of undergraduates of a medical college, Chandigarh (Ut).J Commun Dis .2008;40(3):215-7
- Goel Naveen K, Abrol Amrit, Pathak Rambha, Sharma Munish, Gulati Sangeeta, Swami Hari Mohan. Status of Routine Immunization in Chandigarh (UT). Internet J Health.2008;7:01
- Goel Naveen K, Walia Dinesh, Pathak Rambha, Sharma Munish K, Kalia Meenu, Swami Hari Mohan. Opinion of Health Care Providers Regarding Spiritual Dimension of Health in India. Internet J Health.2008;07:01
- Goel Naveen K, Kalia Meenu, Galhotra Abhiruchi, Pathak Rambha, Hari Mohan Swami. Awareness regarding maternal and infant feeding practices among mothers of medical undergraduate . Internet J Health., 2008;07:01.
- N. K. Goel, R. Bansal, R. Pathak, D. Walia, S. Gulati & M. Sharma : Rapid assessment procedure: The role in assessing morbidity pattern in rural community of India . The Internet Journal of Healthcare Administration. 2009;6 (1).
- A Verma, R.Pathak, Dinesh Walia, H.M.Swami, S.Puri, N.K.Goel. Monograph: Essentials of Family Planning Methods-Adolescents should know for their planned parenthood. DST, Chandigarh(UT).
- Pathak R, Sharma RC, Parvan UC,Gupta BP, Ojha RK, Goel NK. Behavioural and emotional problems in school going adolescents.Australas medical journal. 2011;4:1: 15-21
- Bhardwaj Anu, Gupta Bhuvnesh, Ahluwalia S K, Pathak Rambha, Mittal Anshu, Singh Mukhmohit. Women and AIDS Awareness and Attitudes in a peri-urban setting in Punjab. Journal of Communicable Diseases.2011 ; 43(1): 61-68.
- Naveen K. Goel, Rahul Bansal, Rambha Pathak, H. K. Sharma, Monika Aggarwal and S.C. Luthra. Knowledge and awareness of nursing students about HIV/AIDS. Health and Population: Perspectives and Issues .2010; 33( 1 ).
- Kahlon AS, Pathak R. Patterns of glycemic control using glycosylated hemoglobin in diabetics. J Pharm Bioall Sci. 2011;3:324-8.
- Mahajan S, Prasad S, Pathak R Correlation between serum TSH & serum Prolactin levels in primary infertile women. Indian Journal of Maternal and Child Health. 2011;13(3).
- Pathak R, Ahluwalia SK, Pathania D, Chaudhary C, Chahar S. Needle stick injury among healthcare workers of a tertiary care centre in Haryana, India. Australasian Medical Journal.2011;4(10 ):563-565
- Abhishek Singh, Anu Bhardwaj, Rambha Pathak, SK Ahluwalia . An epidemiological study of road traffic accident cases at a tertiary care hospital in rural Haryana .Indian Journal of Community Health,.2011;23( 2)
- Rambha Pathak , Arunpreet S Kahlon, S K Ahluwalia, Surina Sharma , Raveesha Bhardwaj Needle stick injury and inadequate post exposure practices among health care workers of a tertiary care centre in rural india.International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health.2012;4:624-632.
- R Pathak, C Chaudhary, D Pathania, SK Ahluwalia. Hepatitis B vaccine: Coverage and factors relating to its acceptance among health care workers of a tertiary care center in North India International Journal of Medicine and Public Health, 2013;3(1):55-59.
- C Chaudhary, R Pathak, SK Ahluwalia, RKD Goel .Iodine deficiency disorder in children aged 6–12 years of Ambala, Haryana. Indian pediatrics, 2013;50(6):587-589.
- M Makkar, C Gupta, R Pathak, S Garg, NC Mahajan. Performance evaluation of hematologic scoring system in early diagnosis of neonatal sepsis.- Journal of clinical neonatology.2013;2(1):25-28.
- Chintu Chaudhary, Singh A, Rambha Pathak S.K. Ahluwalia, RKD Goel, Mishra P. Predictors of seatbelt and helmet usage among victims seeking care at emergency department in a tertiary care hospital in Northern India. Nepal Journal of Medical Sciences. 2013;2(1):57-61.
- Qadri SS, Pathak R, Singh J, Ahmad F, Baba TA, Bashir H. Socio-demographic characteristics of substance abusers among school children in Ambala district of northern India. IJCRR. 2013; 5(7): 76-84.
- Syed Shuja Qadri, RKD Goel, Jagjeet Singh, S.K. Ahluwalia. , Rambha Pathak, Humaira Basir. Prevalence and pattern of substance abuse among school children in Northern India: A rapid assessment study .International Journal of Medical Sciences and public health.2013 ;l2(2)
- Pathania D, Bunger R, Mishra P, Pathak R .A Study to Assess Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome and its Socio Demographic Risk Factors in Rural Area of District Ambala, Haryana. J Community Med Health Education. 2013.
- D Kumar, NK Goel, S Puri, R Pathak, SS Sarpal, S Gupta, S Arora.Menstrual Pattern among Unmarried Women from Northern India. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research.2013; 7 (9):1926.
- Joshi H, Haq A, Pathak R, Mishra P, Mukherjee AK, et al (2013) Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency among Post Menopausal Women and Associated Obesity and Cardiovascular Risk. J Obes Weight Loss Ther. 2013; 3:192.
- Rambha Pathak, Prabhaker Mishra, PK Garg, Jagjeet Singh, Sachin Yadav. Prevalence of hypertension and its associated risk factors in a representative sample of the Haryana population:a community based cross sectional study. Asian Academic Research Journal of Multidesciplinary. 2013 ;1(12):294-305.
- Goel, N.K., Sharma M.K., Gulati S., Walia D.K., Pathak R. Quiz As A Teaching - Learning Method –an Indian Experience.. Clinical Communiqué & Medical Education. 2013; 1(1):1-5.
- Pooja Ahuja , Rambha Pathak Sudha Arora Level of Job Satisfaction among Hospital Employees. International Journal Of Informative & Futuristic Research 2014;10(1).
- Vashisht A, Gadi NA, Singh J, Puryakastha M, Pathak R, Mishra P. Prevalence of depression & assessment of risk factors among school going adolescents. Ind J Comm Health. 2014;26 (2): 196-199.
- Ahuja P. Dharamveer N, Pathak R.Level of job satisfaction among nursing staff in public and private hospitals in Punjab. Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management. 2014; 4(6):152-164.
- Patavegar BN, Kapilashrami MC, Rasheed N , Pathak R. Menstrual hygiene among adolescent school girls: an in-depth cross-sectional study in an urban community. Int J Health Sci Res. 2014; 4(11):15-21.
- Islam F, Roy S, Pathak R, Parashar M, Agarawala R,Kapilashrami M.C, Deb Roy A. Knowledge and Attitude about HIV/AIDS among First Year Medical & Paramedical Students of a University in New Delhi. National Journal of Research in Community Medicine. 2015; 4:336-343.
- Patavegar BN, Rasheed N, Pathak R, Kapilashrami MC and Farookee AB. Menstrual pattern and menstrual disorders among school going adolescent girls in Delhi. Journal of Basic and Applied Research International 2015; 11(4):241-246.
- Z A Shaikh , R Pathak ,M kapillasharmi . Misuse of soscial media marketing of alcohal companies journal of mental health and human behaviour,2015 ;20:22-27.
- Rambha Pathak, Chintu Chaudhary, Prabhaker Mishra, Garima Sangwan, Meenal Perception, Practices and Barriers towards Health Research among Young Medical Professionals of Northern India.International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2015; 5 (2): 11-19.
- Goel NK, Pathak R, Gulati S, Balakrishnan S, Singh N, Singh H. Surveillance of bacteriological quality of drinking water in Chandigarh, northern India.. J Water Health. 2015 ;13(3):931-8
- Ahuja Pooja, Dharamveer N, Pathak R. Level of job satisfaction among nursing staff in public and private hospitals in Punjab.Asian Journal of Research in Business economics and management 2014; 6:152-164.
- Pathak R, Chaudhary C, Mishra P et. al. Perception, practices and barriers towards health research among young medical professionals of northern India. Int J Health Sci Res. 2015; 5(2):11-19.
- Agarwalla R, Saikia AM, Parashar M, Pathak R, Islam F. Assessment of prevalence of anemia in and its correlates among community-dwelling elderly of Assam, India: A cross-sectional study. Int J Nutr Pharmacol Neurol Dis 2016;6:23-7
- Agarwalla R, Saikia AM, Pathak R, Islam F, Borah M, Parashar M. A Cross Sectional Study on Assessment of Falls in Community Dwelling Elderly of Assam. Ntl J Community Med 2016; 7(5):368-371
- Shridhar Dwivedi, Rambha Pathak, Rashmi Agarwalla,Wazid Ali. The intergenerational transmission of tobacco habit: Role of parents and the family. J Family Med Prim Care. 2016 Apr-Jun; 5(2): 373–377.
- Rambha Pathak, Chintu Chaudhary,1 Rashmi Agarwalla, Zakirhusain Shaikh, R.K.D. Goel,2 and Bilkish Patvegar .A community-based case–control study to investigate the role of iron deficiency in the persistence of goiter. Indian J Endocrinol Metab. 2016 Jul-Aug; 20(4): 517–522
- M Parashar, R Agarwalla, P Mallik, S Dwivedi, B Patvagekar, R Pathak.Prevalence and correlates of nicotine dependence among construction site workers: A cross-sectional study in Delhi.Lung India: official organ of Indian Chest Society 33 (5): 496-501
- Z Shaikh, R Pathak. Revised Kuppuswamy and BG Prasad socio-economic scales for 2016. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health 2017; 4 (4), 997-999
- Mamta Parashar, Mitasha Singh, Jugal Kishore, Rambha Pathak, Meely Panda. Prevalence and correlates of stress among working women of a tertiary health centre in Delhi, India.Indian Journal of Medical Specialities 2017; 8(2): 77-81
- Mamta Parashar, Nilima Sharma, Rashmi Agarwalla, Shridhar Dwivedi, Rambha Pathak. Prevalence and correlates of tobacco chewing among construction site workers: A cross-sectional study in Delhi. Indian Journal of Medical Specialities 8 (2), 64-67.
- Mamta Parashar, Mitasha Singh, Rashmi Agarwalla, Meely Panda, Rambha Pathak. Predictors of intention to quit tobacco among construction site workers in Delhi, India. Indian J Psychiatry. 2017 Apr-Jun; 59(2): 208–213.
- R Agarwalla, R Pathak, M Singh, F Islam, M Parashar Effectiveness of awareness package on occupational health hazards among ragpickers of New Delhi, India Indian journal of occupational and environmental medicine 2017;21 (2): 89-94.
- R Pathak, R Agarwalla, D Pathania .Assessment of metabolic syndrome and health related quality of life in community dwellers: A cross sectional study from North India. Indian Journal of Medical Specialities 2017;9(1): 15-19
- Nazish Rasheed, ZeebaJairajpuri , Rambha Pathak , Sujata Jetley , Shrawan Kumar Trivedi. Determinants of Reproductive Tract Infection and cervical cytology among married women in Delhi. National Journal of Research in Community Medicine. Vol.6. Issue 2. Apr.-Jun.-2017(182-186)
- Pathak R, Singh M, Goyal A, Agarwalla R, Goel R. Pattern and Determinants of Physical Activity in Rural and Urban Adolescents of North India: A Population Based Study. Int J Nutr Pharmacol Neurol Dis 2017;7:64-70
- RambhaPathak, RashmiAgarwalla, DeepakPathania. Assessment of metabolic syndrome and health related quality of life in community dwellers: A cross sectional study from North India. Indian Journal of Medical Specialities 2018 , Volume 9, Issue 1, January–March 2018: 15-19
- Vashisht A, Pathak R, Agarwalla R, Patavegar BN, Panda M. School absenteeism during menstruation amongst adolescent girls in Delhi, India. J Fam Community Med 2018;25:163-8.
- Farzana Islam, Rambha Pathak, Sushovan Roy, Rashmi Agarwalla, Meely Panda, Arup Deb Roy. Assessment of vaccine wastage in primary health care settings of south Delhi. International Journal Of Scientific Research 2018, 7(5) : 16-21.
- Panda M, Pathak R, Rasheed N, Shaikh Z, Islam F. Unmet need and nonacceptance of usage of contraceptive devices in a Rural Area of Delhi: An exploration of facts. Niger Med J 2018;59:39-42.
- Agarwalla R, Panda M, Gupta E, Balagopalan N, Pathak R. Snapshot of an Improved Maternal Health in India: The Pillars of Strength. Pan Asian J Obs Gyn 2019;2(1):37-42.
- Bahal SP, Saxena S, Srivastava A. Correlates of type-2 diabetes mellitus in urban slums population Moradabad. Int J Community Med Public Health 2018; 5:2425-30
- Pandey A, Kumar P, Srivastava A, Gupta A, Rawat J, Wakhlu A, et al. Leaving against medical advice: Pediatric surgical perspective. J Med Soc 2018; 32:18-21
- Singh S, Priya N, Roy D, Srivastava A, Kishore S. Trends in contraceptive demands and unmet need for family planning in migrant population of Uttarakhand. Int J Community Med Public Health 2018; 5:590-5
- Sumit Saxena, Anurag Srivastava, Sonam Maheshwari, Anju Saxena. Assessment of Knowledge & Contributing Factors of Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) Workers Regarding Antenatal Care in Bhojipura Block, District Bareilly. Healthline 2017; 8, 2:27-35
- Srivastava A, Kumar R, Sharma M. Nutritional Anemia in Adolescent Girls: an epidemiological study. Int J Community Med Public Health 2016; 3:808-12.
- Khan S, Srivastava A, Juneja K, Rani. Diabetic foot wound care practices among patients visiting a tertiary care hospital in north India. Indian J Comm Health. 2016; 28, 3: 260-268.
- Kumar R, Bahal SP, Srivastava A. Morbidity pattern of geriatric population in rural areas of western Uttar Pradesh. Int J Med Sci Public Health 2016; 5:430-433
- Choube A, Bahal SP, Srivastava A, Sharma M. Knowledge and Child Care Practice Regarding Childhood Diarrhoea – A Cross Sectional Study. Ind J Comm Health. 2014; 26 (3): 285-291
- Choube A, Bhushan kumar, Syed E Mahmood, Anurag Srivastava Potential risk factors contribution to acute respiratory infections in under five age group children; International Journal of Medical Sciences and Public Health 2014 ; 3 (1) : 1385-1388
- Anurag Srivastava, Syed E Mahmood, Ved P Shrotriya, Payal Mishra. Correlates of Maternal Health care utilization in Rohilkhand Region, India; Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research May-Jun 2014; 4 (3): 417-425 ((PMCID: PMC4071744)
- Sharma M, Srivastava A, Gupta S C; Study of Socio-Demographic Factors among Injured Persons in a District of Western Uttar Pradesh – A Cross Sectional Study. Acta Medica International 2014; 1(1): 22-34
- Singh L, Agarwal A, Srivastava A. Sputum Smear Conversion during an Alternative Method for Providing “Directly Observed Therapy Short Course” In A Rural Setup through Mobile Team. National J Community Med, 2014; 5(1): 69-72.
- Atul Kumar Singh, Anurag Srivastava, S.B. Gupta. The prevalence and outcome of HIV and syphilis infection in pregnant mothers in Bundelkhand Region of Uttar Pradesh, India. Indian Journal of Maternal and Child Health, 2013 Oct-Dec; 15 (4), 1-8
- Sharma M, Srivastava A, Singh B, Gupta SC.Injuries in rural and urban areas of Agra district: an observational study. Ind J Comm Health, 2013; 25(4); 480 – 487
- Anurag Srivastava, Mukesh Sharma, Saumya Gupta, Sumit Saxena. Epidemiological investigation of lifestyle associated modifiable risk factors among medical students. National Journal of Medical Research, 2013 July-Sept 3(2), 210-215
- Syed E Mahmood Anurag Srivastava, Ved P Shrotriya, Payal Mishra. Infant feeding practices in the rural population of North India; Journal of Family and Community Medicine, Aug 2012, Vol 19(2), 130-035 (PMCID: PMC3410177 )
- Anurag Srivastava, Syed E Mahmood, Payal M Srivastava, Ved P Shrotriya. Nutritional status of school-age children – A scenario of urban slums in India; Archives of Public Health, 2012, Vol 70, issue 8. (PMCID: PMC3436633)
- Das Bandana, Mohanty Rabi Narayan, Anurag Srivastava. Awareness, satisfaction and utilization of Integrated Child Development Services by mothers in rural Orissa. Indian Journal of Maternal and Child Health, 2012 Apr-Jun; 14 (2), 1-8
- Vyas Shaili, Sharma Parul, Kandpal S D, Semwal Jayanti, Srivastava Anurag. A community based study on breastfeeding practices in a rural area of Uttarakhand. National journal of community medicine 2012 Apr-June; 3(2), 283-286
- Anurag Srivastava, Bhushan Kumar, Mahmood Syed Esam, Shrotriya Ved Prakash, Mishra Srivastava Payal, Shaifali Iram. Nutritional status of under five children in urban slums of Bareilly. Indian Journal of Maternal and Child Health, 2012 Jan-Mar; 14 (1), 1-8
- Anurag Srivastava, Syed Esam Mahmood, Payal Mishra Srivastava. Trend of Dengue in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Bareilly, Western Uttar Pradesh. National Journal of Medical and Allied Sciences 2012;1(2):44-49
- Manoj Gupta, Indu Saxena, Anurag Srivastava. Effect of Socioeconomics Status on Response to Experimental Pain. International Letters Series in Therapeutic Education, 2011 (7), 1-6
- Syed Esam Mahmood, Anurag Srivastava, Ved Prakash Shrotriya, Iram Shaifali, Payal Mishra. Postpartum Contraceptive Use in Rural Bareilly. Indian Journal of Community Health 2011 .23(2), 56-57
- Atul Kumar Singh, Dabral M, Gupta SB, Anurag Srivastava. Maternal risk factors and their effects on Pregnancy Outcome - A cross-sectional study. Indian Journal of Maternal and Child Health, 2011 July-Sep; 13 (3), 1-8
- Anurag Srivastava, S E Mahmood, Payal Mishra, V P Shrotriya. Adolescence Awareness: a Better Tool to Combat HIV/AIDS; National Journal of Community Medicine;2011, 2(1), 86-90
- S E Mahmood, Anurag Srivastava, V P Shrotriya, Payal Mishra,. Prevalence and Epidemiological Correlates of Hypertension among Labour Population; National Journal of Community Medicine; 2011, 2(1), 43-48
- Anurag Srivastava, J P Srivastava, S C Saxena, V K Srivastava. Leprosy a Disease - Knowledge and Perception of Registered Leprosy Patients; Indian Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine; Apr-June 2011 Vol 42(2); 204-09
- Anurag Srivastava, J P Srivastava, S C Saxena, V K Srivastava. Level of Satisfaction Towards Health Service Providers Among Registered Leprosy Patients in Primary Health Care Delivery System Under Leprosy Eradication Programme in India; Indian Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine, Jul-Sep 2011vol 42(3); 278-82
- Srivastava Anurag, Mishra Payal, Shrotriya V P, Martolia D S. Breast Feeding Practices in Women From Urban and Rural Areas – A Comparative Study; Indian Journal of Maternal and Child Health.; 2010 April-June; 12 (2), 1-10
- A study of the functional aberration of the pouch in anorectal malformation associated with congenital pouch colon; Colorectal Disease; 2010 Mar;12(3):226-31
- Anurag Srivastava, Payal Mishra, D S Martolia, V P Shrotriya. Medical Students and Smoking: Determinants and Associated Factors; Biomedicine, 2010; 30(1), 63-84
- Placement of the Peritoneal End of a Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt in the Suprahepatic Space: Does it Improve Prognosis?; Pediatric Neurosurgery; 2009;45(1):6-10
- A pilot study on the role of T-Tube in typhoid ileal perforation in children; World Journal of Surgery; 2008 Dec;32(12):2607-11
- Open suprapubic cystolithotomy in children as day care surgery: Is it possible?; Current Urology; 2007;1:130-133
- Suresh Chandra, R P Sharma, Nadeem Ahmad, Anurag Srivastava. Assessment of Knowledge about Vitamin A Prophylaxis Programme among Health and ICDS Functionaries In District Banda (U.P) - A Community Based Study. Indian Journal of Community Health 2005 .17(1), 31-34
- Anurag Srivastava, J P Srivastava, S C Saxena, V K Srivastava. Epidemiological Profile of Leprosy Patients and Its Correlation with Their Treatment Compliance in Rural Area of Kanpur. Indian Journal of Community Health 2004. 16(2), 24-29
- Priyanka, Acharya AS. Is community case management of severe pneumonia with oral amoxicillin feasible in India? Natl Med J India 2012;25(6):352-3.
- Priyanka, Singh T, Deepti SS. A cross-sectional Study of attitude of Attendants accompanying HIV positive persons at Integrated Counselling and Testing Centre of a tertiary care Hospital in Punjab, India. Int. Res. J. Medical Sci. 2014;2(1):11-14.
- Priyanka, Singh T, Deepti SS, Roy P. Risk profile of HIV positive persons attending Integrated Counselling and testing centre of a tertiary care hospital, Amritsar. J Res Med Den Sci 2014;2(2):20-24.
- Priyanka, Singh T, Deepti SS. Impact of HIV Positive Status on Psychology and Attitude of HIV Positive Persons: A Cross Sectional Study. Sch. J. App. Med. Sci., 2014; 2(3D):1148-1152.
- Priyanka, Acharya AS. Reducing maternal deaths in India: Will good emergency obstetric care be useful? Natl Med J India 2014;27(1):20-21.
- Acharya AS, Priyanka, Khandekar J, Bachani D. Assessment of Knowledge and Practices regarding Injection Safety and Related Biomedical Waste Management amongst Interns in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital, Delhi. International Scholarly Research Notices. 2014.
- Priyanka, Acharya AS, Khandekar J, Sharma A. Awareness and practices regarding needle stick injuries among nurses in a tertiary care hospital of Delhi. Ind J Comm Health. 2014;26(4):390–395.
- Roy P, Priyanka, Goel MK, Rasania SK. Measles Eradication: Issues, Strategies and Challenges. J. Commun. Dis. 2014; 46(3): 25- 28
- Priyanka, Acharya AS, Khandekar J. Knowledge, beliefs and practices of medical interns regarding injection safety, standard precautions and needle stick injuries: a cross sectional study from a tertiary care hospital of Delhi. Int J Health Sci Res. 2015; 5(5):72-79.
- Davey A, Davey S, Priyanka, Shukla A. Role of educational intervention to change the knowledge and perception of young males regarding female feticide: A quasi experimental study. The Journal of Community Health Management 2016;3(4):190-93.
- Priyanka, Singh T, Deepti SS. Role of counselling services for HIV positive persons in coping with HIV/AIDS. Journal of Medical Sciences and Clinical Research 2018;6(5): 554-60
- Acharya AS, Priyanka, Khandekar J, Bachani D, Rasania SK. Awareness and willingness to pledge for eye donation among adult population of an urban re-settlement colony of Delhi. Indian Journal of Community and Family Medicine 2018;4(1): 28-33.
- Priyanka, Goel MK, Rasania SK. A study of factors influencing academic performance of undergraduate medical students. Indian Journal of Community and Family Medicine 2020; 6(2):28-33.
- Verma D, Acharya AS, Bachani D, Seth A, Hemal A. Effect of ART on anaemia in Children living with HIV attending tertiary care hospitals of New Delhi. Indian J Comm Health. 2014;26, Suppl S2:258-263
- Verma D, Acharya AS, Bachani D, Seth A. Clinico-Social and Immunological profile of Antiretroviral naïve children living with HIV in tertiary care hospital, New Delhi. SAARC J Tuber Lung Dis. 2016; XIII(1):32-38
- Verma D, Acharya AS, Bachani D, Seth A. Clinico-Social and Immunological profile of Antiretroviral naïve children living with HIV in tertiary care hospital, New Delhi. SAARC J Tuber Lung Dis. 2016; XIII(1):32-38
- Saxena A, Khokhar A, Gupta D, Mate CK. Five year record based study of Paediatric Tuberculosis (TB) from a Directly Observed Treatment Short-course (DOTS) centre of South Delhi. Int J Current Research 2017;9(07):54174-54176
- Pathak U, Gupta NC, Suri JC, Saxena A. Impact of Indoor Air Pollution on the Respiratory Health of Adult Women of an Urban Village in North India. Poll Research 2018;37(4):1058-1066
- Anup Kumar, Abhishek Bharti and R.C.Yadava(2019):An Adjustment of Truncation and Selection Effect for Estimating Conception Rate from First Birth Interval Data,Journal of Data Science,17(4),756-767.
- Abhishek Bharti, Anup Kumar and B.P. Singh(2019):Trend of Synthetic Parity Progression Ratio (SPPR) of INDIA: Evidence From National Family Health Surveys,Journal of Reliability and Statistical Studies,12(2),153-172.
- Mritunjay P. Singh, Abhishek Bharti and Niraj K.Singh(2019): Spatial Statistics Approach for Study of Infant Mortality in Uttar Pradesh,,India,Journal of Statistics Applications & Probability,8(1), 1-15.
- Mritunjay P. Singh,Abhishek Bharti, Niraj K.Singh and R. D.Singh (2018):Frailty Model Approach for Study of Survival of Children Under Age 5 Year in EAG States and Assam.,International Journal of current Advanced Research,7(1H),9236-9244.
- Mritunjay P. Singh,Abhishek Bharti , Niraj K.Singh and R. D.Singh (2018):Spatial Scan Study for mortality Under Age 5 year in the EAG States and Assam.,International Journal of Statistics and Economics ,19(3),23-41.
- Abhishek Bharti, D. Raj and B. P. Singh (2017): Determinants of Maternity Care Services Utilisation by Married Adolescent Women: A Comparative Study in India,INDIA 2016:Population Transition,133-142. .
- Mritunjay P. Singh,Abhishek Bharti, Niraj K.Singh and R. D.Singh (2017):District based Clustered Study for Child Mortality in EAG States and Assam.,International Journal of current Advanced Research,6(10),6601-6608.
- Mritunjay P. Singh,Abhishek Bharti, Krishna K. Pandey and R. D. Singh (2016): Study on Influence of Women Status on Contraception Prevalence in EAG States, Elixir International Journal, 98 (2016),42447-42454.
- Agarwalla R, Jamal A, Gupta E, Pathak R, Panda M, Ahmed F. Assessment of adherence to international standards for tuberculosis care among private practitioners of Delhi. Indian J Respir Care 2020;9:58-61
- Panda M, Pathak R, Agarwalla R, Rasheed N. A sneak peek into the curriculum on disaster management medicine in India for health professionals: A mixed-methods approach. J Educ Health Promot. 2020;9:13. Published 2020 Jan 30. doi:10.4103/jehp.jehp_360_19
- Panda M, Pathak R, Islam F, Agarwalla R, Singh V, Singh F. Interplay of multimorbidity and polypharmacy on a community dwelling frail elderly cohort in the peri-urban slums of Delhi, India. J Family Med Prim Care 2020;9:1647-55
- Agarwal N, Jain P, Pathak R, Gupta R. Telemedicine in India: A tool for transforming health care in the era of COVID-19 pandemic. J Edu Health Promot 2020;9:190.
- Pathak R, Agarawalla R, Gupta S. Infodemics of Covid-19: The Role & Impact of Media. J Comprehensive Health 2020;8(2):18-22.
- Dwivedi S, Pathak R, Chopra D.Ethical dimensions of COVID -19 pandemic. In: COVID-19 A Multidimensional Response. 1st ed. Manipal: Manipal Universal Press ; 2020. 1-13.
- Agarwalla R, Pathak R, Siddiqui A, Panda M, Gupta E, Islam F. A community-based intervention study to assess the effectiveness of awareness imparted on earthquake preparedness among the residents of South Delhi, India. Indian J Community Med 2020;45:375-8.
- Sharma R, Seth S, Solanki H K Neha Mishra, Anurag Srivastava, Kiran Jakhar. COVID-19 and Obstetrical Care: Coping With New Stress. Cureus 2020; 12(12): e12116.
- Sumit Saxena , Anurag Srivastava , Anju Saxena. Job satisfaction among ASHA’s working in villages: A cross sectional study from district Bareilly. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research, 2020;3(5):22-29
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- Priyanka, Rasania SK. Self reported psychological impact of COVID-19 pandemic among general population of India. International Journal of Current Medical and Pharmaceutical research 2021; 7(1):5485-8.
- Priyanka, Gupta E. Predicting Risk of Diabetes using Indian Diabetes Risk Score in Adult Population of Faridabad. Ann Community Health 2021;9(1):102-107.
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- To provide knowledge and skill to medical students through its innovative community-based medical function as community & first level physician.
- To train and undertake epidemiological investigations, prevent and control future epidemics
- To collaborate with other sectors and departments to train and empower peripheral level health workforce in delivering community health services
- To promote healthy lifestyle in community
- To carry out public health research and advocate for application of research findings in healthcare
- To carry out public health research and advocate for application of research findings in healthcare
- To provide Knowledge and Skills for prevention and control of Public health problems
- To provide and promote appropriate preventive, promotive and curative and rehabilitative services to the community
- General & Specialist OPD
- Indoor Admission
- Complete Pregnancy Care
- Infertility Clinic
- Well Baby Clinic
- Non-Communicable Diseases Clinic
- Adolescent Girls Clinic
- Laboratory Tests
- Free Medicines
- Immunization Services
- Family Planning Services
- Counselling
- Lab investigations
- Demonstration Room: 1 (75 seating capacity)- Over Head Projector, Television Video and other audio-visual aids.
- Laboratory: 1 (60 seating capacity)
- Museum: Model-50, Chart-51, Specimen-80, Misc-91
- Departmental Library-cum-Seminar Room-108 books, 59 Titles, 14 e-Books ,74 copies of 5 Journals and 15 Health Education CDs
- Research Laboratory-70 types of equipment
- Office accommodation: 8 rooms
- LCD Projector
- PC available
- Television Video
- Other Audio-Visual Aids
- Letter of permission from Medical Council of India vide letter No. MCI-34(41) (E-60)/2019 .Med/ 115574 dated 20th May 2019 for starting MBBS course for 100 students.
- First batch of 100 students have been admitted and classes has been commenced since 01 Aug 2019.
- Monthly OPD Footfall-4500
- Monthly Lab tests-1200
- Monthly Contraception beneficiaries-150
- Monthly Children immunized-600
- Participation in Arogya Health Camp by Government of UP
- Participation in OPD & IPD Services of Pradhan Mantri Jan Aarogya Yojana.
- Organising training programmes for prevention & control of COVID 19
- Conducted awareness rally for Ayushman Bharat
- Celebrated World AIDS day 2019 at block Dankaur area
- Organized weekly camp on every Wednesday
- Conducted World Health day 2019 celebration on theme “Universal health coverage: everyone, everywhere “on 7th April 2019 at RHTC Dankaur & UHTC Kasna
- Community Awareness Meeting And celebration of World AIDS day 2019 on “Ending the HIV/AIDS Epidemic: Community by Community”
- Organized CME cum sensitization workshop on “Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program updated Patient management system (Categorization & Treatment)” Organized by Department of Community Medicine 16TH March 2019 at GIMS, Greater Noida.
- Organized CME cum sensitization workshop on “Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program updated Patient management system (Categorization & Treatment)” Organized by Department of Community Medicine 16TH March 2019 at GIMS, Greater Noida.
- Celebrations of World Health Day 2021 at GIMS.
- Mission Mahila celebrations 2021 at UHTC Kasna
- World breastfeeding week celebrations 2021 at UHTC Kasna
- National road safety awareness week 2021 celebrations at GIMS.
- Organized CME on COVID-19 Perparedness and Response through the lens of health system 30th Oct 2021 at GIMS
Sr. No. | Title | Researchers | Name of faculty | Status/Funding |
1 | A Phase II, Open Label, Randomized Controlled Trial to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of Convalescent Plasma to Limit COVID-19 Associated Complications | Co- Investigator | Dr Rambha Pathak | CompletedICMR |
2 | Stressor combat strategies and motivating factors among health care service providers during COVID 19 pandemic | Principal Investigator | Dr Anurag Srivastava | CompletedIntramural |
3 | Pattern and Psychosocial Predictors of Tobacco consumption among adolescents in Western Utter Pradesh | Principal Investigator | Dr Anurag Srivastava | CompletedIntramural |
4 | Establishment of Biorepository of blood samples from COVID-19 cases | Co- Investigator | Dr Rambha Pathak | CompletedICMR-NIMR |
5 | Determinants of Covid-19 infection in healthcare workers | Co- Investigator | Dr Rambha Pathak | CompletedIntramural |
6 | Effectiveness of Ivermectin in preventing development of symptomatic Covid-19 among primary contacts of newly diagnosed Covid-19 patients at a tertiary care hospital in India - an interventional | Principal -investigator | Dr Rambha Pathak & Dr Hariom Kumar Solanki | CompletedIntramural |
7 | The effectiveness of arthrocentesis & need of a single verses double session for the treatment of internal disc derangement without reduction of temporomandibular joint : A two year retrospective study | Co- Investigator | Dr Anurag Srivastava | CompletedIntramural |
8 | Barriers to and enablers of plasma donation by previously covid-19 positive patients treated at a tertiary care hospital in North India - a cross sectional study | Principal -investigator | Dr Rambha Pathak & Dr Hariom Kumar Solanki | CompletedIntramural |
9 | Changes in peripheral blood in SARS-Cov2 patients- a Clinico-pathological correlation | Co- Investigator | Dr Rambha Pathak | CompletedIntramural |
10 | Integration of Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition into the undergraduate medical student curriculum | Principal Investigator | Dr Rambha Pathak | CompletedBill Milinda Gates Foundation |
11 | Improving Tuberculosis notification and adherence to RNTCP treatment regime by private practitioners: An interventional study in Delhi, India | Principal Investigator | Dr Rambha Pathak | CompletedDelhi State Task force on RNTCP |
12 | Neonatal Care Pattern in Rural Amroha: Explore the Gaps & Potential Improvement Options | Principal Investigator | Dr Anurag Srivastava | CompletedUNICEF |
13 | To study the role of occupation, education and socioeconomic status in response to experimental pain | Principal Investigator | Dr Anurag Srivastava | CompletedIndian Council of Medical Research |
14 | Epidemiological investigation of lifestyle associated modifiable risk factors among medical students | Principal Investigator | Dr Anurag Srivastava | CompletedIndian Council of Medical Research |
Present Status | Next 1 Year | Next 5 Years | Next 10 Years |
Department of Community Medicine